Some of the things you need to study are: Organization Skills, Effective Study Strategies, Note Taking, and Test Taking Strategies. Discovering alternatives to study is…

LEHMAN TUTORING CENTER (TLC) Writing or Subject Tutoring – Help with any assignment. Academic Coaching – Time management, goal setting, test preparation, test taking strategies,…

TIME MANAGEMENT ZOOM https://lehman-cuny-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuduGtrDwrHNRF_csWMcUkqhUrYmWwZazH

https://www.lehman.edu/student-leadership/index.php The Introduction to Leadership Certificate Program https://www.lehman.edu/student-leadership/leadership-track1.php Leadership Retreats https://www.lehman.edu/student-leadership/leadership-weekend.php Leadership Conferences https://www.lehman.edu/student-leadership/leadership-day.php Registration for our Programs is free and open to all Lehman…

A study group is a great way to get to know other students and do better in your classes at the same time! At Lehman…
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