How to study?

Some of the things you need to study are: Organization Skills, Effective Study Strategies, Note Taking, and Test Taking Strategies.

Discovering alternatives to study is a way to support any subject facts that the student have learnt and memorized. Therefore, the alternatives that the student prefer to support their learning process will help them to understand concepts. As a result, of the subject better understanding, any information related to the subject would have more relevant meaning for the student.
- Time management
- Prioritize tasks
- Set goals
- Develop a system for achieving those goals
EFFECTIVE STUDY STRATEGIES Discovering alternatives to study is a way to support any subject facts that the student have learnt and memorized. Therefore, the alternatives that the student prefer to support their learning process will help them to understand concepts. As a result, of the subject better understanding, any information related to the subject would have more relevant meaning for the student.
- Spaced practice. The student spreads out the material that needs to be studied or practice. Spaced learning breaks the material into intervals.
- Interleaving practice. The students work on one concept or skill for a short period of time, then moves on to the next one, and perhaps to a new one, then circles back to the first concept, and continues the previous order until the students introduces another concept and then goes back again to the first.
- Retrieval information practice. The students retrieve concepts, ideas or any information from their memory and creates different formats like charts, diagrams, flash cards, etc. The recovery o recalling of information requires a lot of effort that helps the students make the connections necessary to remember.
- Self-Care. Sleep and eat well.
NOTE TAKING. Writing down what you are listening to or reading. Note taking can increase the retention of that information. It can also help with concentration.
TEST TAKING STRATEGIES. Test anticipation, test preparation, posttest analysis.
- Test anticipation
- How much time will you have to write the test
- Have you regularly have checked the notes for the test
- How much study time will you need
- Were there previous test? Can you check those to review?
- What format will the test be, for e.g. multiple choices, short answers, essay, combination, etc.
- Test preparation
- Spread your study time over several days
- Study difficult and boring subjects first
- Schedule your studying time around your most productive time of the day
- Fine a good location to study, where you won’t get too comfortable
- Study with a partner and test each other, share and compare notes
- Focus on remembering the main ideas and concepts
- Post analysis
- Analyze the missing answers
- How did you perform on different questions?
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