Effective Study Strategies for memorizing
Discovering alternative ways to study is a way to support success in any subject. Some classes require you to memorize facts, definitions or formulas. Some good ways to study for these classes are:
- Spaced practice
- Interleaving practice
- Retrieval information practice
- Self-care
Spaced practice. In this approach you spread out the material that needs to be studied or practiced. Spaced learning breaks the material into intervals. The benefit of spaced learning practice is that it helps you to slow down the rate at which you forget. In other words, you will hold the information longer. The following video is an example of spaced practice.
Interleaving practice. In this approach, you work on one concept or skill for a short period of time, then move on to the next one, and, then, to another, then circles back to the first concept. Then continue the same order. Once you learn those, introduce another concept, but continue to go back again to the first. The benefit of interleaving practice is that it makes the brain stronger by working harder, creating better connections within the information you are learning, when moving from one topic to the next. The following video is an example of spaced practice.
Retrieval information practice. The students retrieve concepts, ideas or any information from their memory and creates different formats like charts, diagrams, flash cards, etc. The recovery or recalling of information requires a lot of effort that helps the you make the connections necessary to remember. The following video is an example of information retrieval practice.
Self-care. Take care of yourself while studying by taking breaks (not dives on social media), moving your body, eating good meals and snacks, drinking water, anything that you think is a good break. This will help you Refresh, Recharge, and Restart your mind.
Take breaks of 5 minutes for every 25 to 30 minutes of work.
The following videos are an example of Self-care.
Interleaved practice https://tinyurl.com/m9e7mv3x
Memory techniques https://tinyurl.com/3rhctrzv
Problem based learning https://tinyurl.com/4tdmsteu
NOTE TAKING. Writing down what you are listening to or reading. Note taking can increase the retention of that information. It can also help with concentration. The following video is an example of note taking.
TEST TAKING STRATEGIES. Test anticipation, preparation, and post analysis. The following video is an example of test taking strategies.
- How much time will you have to write the test
- Were there previous tests? Can you check those to review?
- Have you regularly have checked the notes for the test
- How much study time will you need
- What format will the test be, for e.g., multiple choices, short answers, essay, combination, etc.
- Test preparation
- Spread your study time over several days
- Study difficult and boring subjects first
- Schedule your studying time around your most productive time of the day
- Fine a suitable location to study, where you will not get too comfortable
- Study with a partner and test each other, share, and compare notes
- Focus on remembering the main ideas and concepts
- Post analysis
- Analyze the missing answers
- How did you perform on different questions?
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